Safety Policy
It is the policy of The Scout Association to provide Scouting in a safe manner without risk to heath, so far as is reasonably practicable. The Scout Association believes that this responsibility ranks equally with the other responsibilities incumbent upon those providing Scouting activities and functions. It is the responsibility of all those involved in Scouting, so far as reasonably practicable, to ensure that:
- All activities are conducted in a safe manner without risk to the health of participants
- The provision and maintenance of equipment and buildings for members and others is safe and without risk to health and adequate for their welfare
- Information, instruction, training and supervision is provided with the object of ensuring the health and safety of all those involved in Scouting activities or who may be affected by them
- Appropriate arrangements are made to ensure safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the use, transport, storage and handling of equipment, and substances which are inherently or potentially dangerous
You can read the full policy by downloading: Key Policies