As a District we would like to use photos or videos taken during our activities & Events to promote Scouting in Weald District & nationally to celebrate the endeavours and successes of our members.
We hope to have many opportunities to use photographs taken of unit activities to enhance our social media contents. It is Scout Association best practise to have permission from Beavers, Cubs, Scouts Exploer parents / carers before we publish media taken of your young person, whilst undertaking scouting activities. We would request that you consider allowing us to use media content featuring your young person, though we do understand that for personal or child protection reasons you may not wish you young person to appear in pictures we publish. Media taken and controlled by the Explorer units will only be published on our own Group or District website, newsletter or posted on our noticeboards, occasionally we may forward photographs to other scouting media outlets or for local/district purposes.
Where we publish media we will take care to ensure that full names are not included in the related article or caption, e.g we will normally use captions like “The Beavers & Cubs visiting Cranbrook Fire Station” etc.
Photographic Guidelines
Social Media: The district does not have any control over the social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc ) that may be used by parents or youth members; individuals are responsible for the content of their own social media account. We would therefore request that you are mindful of any content that you or your young person may post to this type of site and that any pictures that are set in a scouting context should not bring the Explorer Unit or movement into disrepute or put young people at risk. We would also ask that you respect the wishes of other parents if they ask for their child’s picture to be removed.
A HUGE Thank you to everyone who came to St George’s Day yesterday. It was soo lovely to see so many involved and to get together as a district! We...